Saturday, 9 June 2018

Bloxorz 3D Edition

Source of the image: Created by me, using Inkscape and DaFont (Blox por Ænigma)

Hello fellow gamers!!
My boyfriend, Guilherme Reis, who studies computer engineering at the same university as me, created a 3D remake from the popular classic game called “Bloxorz” as a small college project. He used Processing 3 and due to time limitation, his version is a lot shorter compared to the original, but very colourful and challenging as well.
His game as a total of 16 levels of pure entertainment, the logo and introductive level’s designs were made by me using Inkscape.
Being a huge Minecraft fan, he also used little pieces of audio from it and edit them with Audacity to give some sound effects to his own Bloxorz version.

To play it, you can install it for free from the given link below:
(Requirements: Windows System of x64 bits)

I hope everyone likes it!!
And if anyone wants to enter in contact with my boyfriend (future game developer) for professional reasons, his email it's right here:


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